Township of

Bass River New Jersey

Established 1864

Mayor Adams

Deputy Mayor Bourguignon

Commissioner Allen

Community Involvement Meeting March 24th@7PM In Person Only        Commissioner's Meeting April 14th@7PM In Person Only        Planning Board Meeting April 16th@7PM In Person Only        Good Friday Holiday April 18th Township Offices Closed                    

What's Happening

The next Community Involvement Meeting will be held at the township hall on Monday March 24th. Come and meet with your neighbors to discuss ways to improve the township.

Burlington County will be hosting it's 23rd Annual Senior Expo on Wednesday May 7th between 10am and 2pm at the Masonic Village in Burlington Township, NJ. Agencies will provide information on senior services and programs. The Expo will be offering free Tot Bags, Lunch, Medical Screenings, Shredding, and Door Prizes. See Expo Flyer for details

Bass River's shared service agreement for Construction and Code Enforcement has changed to the Borough of Tuckerton. See Construction Office page for details.

New Convenience Center stickers are available for the 2025 year at the Town Hall.  To receive Stickers  you must fill out an Application (available at Town Hall also), and bring it to the township clerk. Remember to include  your license  plate Numbers, and type of the vehicles that you are applying for.

Residents can query and pay their property taxes

Please note that no construction debris is allowed to be disposed of at the Convenience Center. If you are found to be in violation it will lead to a $15,000 fine by the Department of Environmental Protection.

Attention all residents of Bass River Township: We are asking you to please display house numbers that are easily seen from the roadway and to keep a clear path to your property entrance (s). This also applies to Trailer Parks, Campgrounds and all other businesses. Doing this will help our First Responders – EMS, Fire Department and Police and Emergency Management - have quick and easy access to your property in case of Emergency --Thank you.

Bass River Township has a drop off box for payments and correspondence. The box is  located by the Tax Office door at the municipal building.

Pinelands Regional School District will host a Special Harassment Intimidation and Bullying Meeting at the Junior High School on March 31 @ 5:30. See the announcement for details.

Hammonton Rd. (Rt. 542) will be closed from the intersection of Loveland Lane and Leektown Rd for about a year starting on October 14, 2024 for replacement of County Bridge H8.31 See Closure Notice for details.

Burlington County has released Meals on Wheels flyer with information and program criteria. Donations are suggested but not mandatory.

The County and State offer many services for seniors. To learn more visit the Senior Services page

NJ Gas and Atlantic Electric notices and financial assistance programs can be found on the Utility Notice Page.

Storm and disaster related information can be found on the Storm and Natural Disaster Information page

AMHSA’s National Helpline 1-800-662-4357 is a free, confidential, 24/7, 365-day-a-year treatment referral and information service (in English and Spanish) for individuals and families facing mental and/or substance use disorders. See  AMHSA website for additional information.

Remember to call 811 and have utility lines marked before digging. Policy, procedures, and contact information for AC Electric and NJ Gas can be viewed HERE.

Calendar of Events

Calendar of Events

How can we help you?

  • Commission schedule, Commissioner roles, minutes, budgets, ordinances, and resolutions located on the Commission page.
  • Town clerk, tax office, finance office, zoning, construction, and emergency management located on the Offices page.
  • Fire, police, trash, animal, bookmobile, Covid, Food, senior, social, and storm services located on the Services page.
  • Planning Board schedule, members, minutes, forms, located on the Planning page.
  • Bass River and Washington Township court information located on the Court page.
  • Utility notices, local businesses, and websites of interest located on the Helpful Info page.
  • Various forms located on the Forms page.
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